1) What is the difference between HTML and HTML5 ?
Ans: HTML5 is nothing more then upgraded version of HTML where in HTML5 Lot of new future like Audio/mp3,Video,date select function , Canvas, 2D/3D Graphics, placeholder ,Local SQL Database added so that no need to do external plugin like Flash player or other library
2) What is the <!DOCTYPE> ? Is it necessary to use in HTML5 ?
The <!DOCTYPE> is an instruction to the web browser about what
version of HTML the page is written in. AND The <!DOCTYPE> tag
does not have an end tag and It is not case sensitive.
<!DOCTYPE> declaration must be the very first thing in HTML5
document, before the <html> tag. As In HTML 4.01, all <!
DOCTYPE > declarations require a reference to a Document Type
Definition (DTD), because HTML 4.01 was based on Standard Generalized
Markup Language (SGML). WHERE AS HTML5 is not based on SGML, and
therefore does not require a reference to a Document Type Definition
3) How many New Markup Elements you know in HTML5 ?
Ans: Below are the New Markup Elements added in HTML5
Tag Description
<article> Specifies independent, self-contained content, could be a news-article, blog post, forum post,
or other articles which can be distributed independently from the rest of the site.
<aside> For content aside from the content it is placed in. The aside content should
be related to the surrounding content
<bdi> For text that should not be bound to the text-direction of its parent elements
<command> A button, or a radiobutton, or a checkbox
<details> For describing details about a document, or parts of a document
<summary> A caption, or summary, inside the details element
<figure> For grouping a section of stand-alone content, could be a video
<figcaption> The caption of the figure section
<footer> For a footer of a document or section, could include the name of the author, the
date of the document, contact information, or copyright information
<header> For an introduction of a document or section, could include navigation
<hgroup> For a section of headings, using <h1> to <h6>, where the largest is the main
heading of the section, and the others are sub-headings
<mark> For text that should be highlighted
<meter> For a measurement, used only if the maximum and minimum values are known
<nav> For a section of navigation
<progress> The state of a work in progress
<ruby> For ruby annotation (Chinese notes or characters)
<rt> For explanation of the ruby annotation
<rp> What to show browsers that do not support the ruby element
<section> For a section in a document. Such as chapters, headers, footers, or any
other sections of the document
<time> For defining a time or a date, or both
<wbr> Word break. For defining a line-break opportunity.
4) Difference between Transitional and Strict doctype.?
: This DTD contains all HTML elements and attributes, but does NOT
INCLUDE presentational or deprecated elements (like font). Framesets are
not allowed.
: This DTD contains all HTML elements and attributes, INCLUDING
presentational and deprecated elements (like font). Framesets are not
5) What are New Semantic/Structural Elements
HTML5 offers new elements for better structure:
Ans: html5 new tags:-
<article> Defines an article
<aside> Defines content aside from the page content
<bdi> Isolates a part of text that might be formatted in a different direction from other text outside it
<command> Defines a command button that a user can invoke
<details> Defines additional details that the user can view or hide
<dialog> Defines a dialog box or window
<summary> Defines a visible heading for a <details> element
<figure> Specifies self-contained content, like illustrations, diagrams, photos, code listings, etc.
<figcaption> Defines a caption for a <figure> element
<footer> Defines a footer for a document or section
<header> Defines a header for a document or section
<hgroup> Groups a set of <h1> to <h6> elements when a heading has multiple levels
<mark> Defines marked/highlighted text
<meter> Defines a scalar measurement within a known range (a gauge)
<nav> Defines navigation links
<progress> Represents the progress of a task
<ruby> Defines a ruby annotation (for East Asian typography)
<rt> Defines an explanation/pronunciation of characters (for East Asian typography)
<rp> Defines what to show in browsers that do not support ruby annotations
<section> Defines a section in a document
<time> Defines a date/time
<wbr> Defines a possible line-break
6) HTML5 New input Types ?
Ans :
• search
• tel
• time
• color
• email
• month
• date
• datetime
• datetime-local
• number
• range
• url
• week